Members & Observers


The following organisations are participating in the activities of the IPRP. To learn more about IPRP, find out more on the 'About Us' page.


The membership of IPRP is comprised of representatives from pharmaceutical regulatory authorities and organisations with responsibilities for the regulation of medicinal products for human use or Regional Harmonisation Initiatives (RHIs) that wish to participate. RHIs may represent their constituents and promote harmonisation in the whole region. Observers will be considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to endorsement by the Management Committee (MC) and currently include the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM). There will not be any differences in expectations and level of participation between members and observers. To ensure the most effective discussion, each regulatory authority or organisation should be represented by senior staff from the organisation preferably with direct line responsibility for oversight and management of regulatory operations, product-related decisions, and policy issues. Membership in IPRP is inclusive; prospective eligible parties can submit an expression of interest to the IPRP Secretariat for consideration by the MC.

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