A focus topic of the IPRP MC meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 2-3 June 2019, was reliance, the act by which one regulatory authority takes into account the work performed by another
The Working Group on Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) has published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to address questions related to IDMP standards and help support their
The third meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme (IPRP) Management Committee (MC) was held on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2019 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. A total of 22 IPRP
To complement the template developed by the BEWGG for Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Biowaivers Assessment Reports, a template for Biowaiver Assessment Report for Additional Strength(s)
IPRP Reflection Paper General Principles to Address the Nature and Duration of Follow-up for Subjects of Clinical Trials Using Cell Therapy Products   The Reflection Paper on “General
While maintaining its focus as a forum for regulators to share best practices and experiences, IPRP is also committed to engage with its external stakeholders where needed. The IPRP Stakeholder
The second meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme (IPRP) Management Committe (MC) was held on the 11th and 12th of November 2018 in Charlotte, NC, USA with the participation
Publication of a Reflection Paper on Expectations for Biodistribution (BD) Assessments for Gene Therapy (GT) Products   The IPRP Gene Therapy  Working Group is pleased to announce the
The inaugural meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme (IPRP) Management Committe (MC) was held on June 2nd and 3rd 2018 in Kobe, Japan with the participation of 20 IPRP
Back in 2016, discussions started about a possible consolidation of the two initiatives, the International Generic Drug Regulators Programme (IGDRP) and the International Pharmaceutical Regulators